If you set this higher than 10, then you will move extremely slow, also if set lower than -3 its kinda hard to control your actions possibly resulting in health loss.(negative numbers will cause you to be 'sucked' in the direction you move and the only way to stop is to hit a wall.). Half Life Walkthrough Blast Pit 3ĭuring the game press the tilde key to access the console. Its always fun to use this code to make things a bit more interesting when you're bored. It's theending sequence!!! You can use this code to make the ground as slick as ice. Half-Life raised the bar for FPSes, combining action, amazing graphics (for the time), and exciting linear gameplay. Half-Life was developed by Valve Software and was released on Novemfor Windows. For other games in the series see the Half-Life category. This is the first game in the Half-Life series. He'll ask you if you want a job or toparticipate in a battle yopu can't win. Thenkill yourself! Hit a key and you'll be on a tramtraveling thru space with the mysteriousman. When you have weapons and reach yourdestination, kill the guard just as he isputting in the code to open the TRAM door. Try at different timesbecause in some places the code won't work,butget the waepons before you get to where you getoff. When you're on the tram (the train)keep using ur console and /impulse 101 cheatto get some weapons. Use the -console command line cheat and starta new game. Go through it and kill the Headcrabsand any Grunts. Climb up the ladder in the room to the exit and head back across the bridge to the blast. This will start the flow of both to the blast pit. has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Half-Life. Get the latest Half-Life cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC).Keep following thepath until you reach a open room with dead gruntsand a Bull Squid. Swim throughit and get out your shotgun! As soon as youemerge, shoot the Houndeyes. Kill afew Hag Worms and grap the ammo on the bottom.Swim over to the grate in one wall. Getthe battery (if needed) and jump on in! In the level 'On a Rail,' stop your rail car overthe bridge in the beginning of the level.